Monday, January 31, 2011


What a weekend.

Good news: I received my Feingold stuff in the mail & have been going over it. I'm loving it! I hope I can continue to see good results. Oh, and I finally sent the hubby to work. That's always a good thing... time apart does our marriage well.

Bad news: Kiddo had to go to a local quick care clinic yesterday. He was diagnosed with bronchitis & scarlet fever. So, he's on a round of antibiotics to get rid of both. I've read that the antibiotic he's on may or may not get rid of the scarlet fever, though. So, obviously, I have to keep a close eye on him. I've already called everyone I know that has had contact with him over the last few days. I've been trying to call his school this morning to let them know as well.

Here's hoping that the rest of our week isn't quite as eventful.

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